Updated 6/26/20

Body Boutique has just added a new Virtual GroupX [GX] Studio (upstairs Mind Body room) where we offer nealry 70 weekly in-club Les Mills™ Virtual GX Classes. You now have the option to participate in non-stop classes from 6:30 am through 7:00 pm Monday-Friday with additional classes being offered on Saturdays.

Here at Body Boutique we now offer nearly 200 weekly class options including BBLive through both in-club live instruction and live-streaming, in-club Virtual GX Classes in the new Virtual GX Studio and Indoor Cycling Classes in our Free State Ride Studio.

Body Boutique Fitness is pleased to offer you, our valued members, more choices to experience our award winning groupx program.

Click here to learn more about our new virtual studio and class offerings.

In good health ~

Your Body Boutique Team

Body Boutique
Free State Ride

Changing Lives Everyday!

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Updated 5/30/20

Body Boutique is powering up its Technology & Team for Success = Future-proofing our gym with a combination of live, digital, and virtual fitness offerings to meet our members right where they are!

Live ~ BB instructors teaching in person at the gym
Virtual ~ Les Mills’ instructor teaching over the TV screens at the gym
BB LIVE ~ Classes taught by BB instructors that are streamed digitally and can be viewed from your device anywhere

  • Services we are now offering:
    • GroupX and Elite30 – This modified schedule contains Les Mills GroupX and Elite30 and may change weekly as we begin to recover from the impacts of COVID-19.
    • Classes are currently limited to 12 members inside the gym BUT an unlimited number of members can participate in streamed classes through BB Live. Elite30 will be FREE for everyone for the month of June. Sign up for all classes on the BB mobile app or at Bodyboutiquefitness.com. The app has been under construction but is supposed to be working properly very soon.
    • BB LIVE – This is the name of our digital streaming – you will need to create a user account to access BB Live. To create your user account click the register “here” link below the login form on your very first visit to https://fitstream.bodyboutiquefitness.com.
    • Free State Ride – Virtual rides are available hourly but are limited to 15 members per ride.
    • Personal Training – Offered both in-person and through a digital platform for at-home training.
    • Open Gym – Cardio and weight room areas are open for members to use (social distancing is required while exercising).

  • Services temporarily closed
    • Childcare
    • Locker room and spa area
    • Water Fountains
  • Quick notes
    • Bring your own water bottle, sweat towel, and exercise/yoga mat.
    • All COVID-19 safety protocols will be reinforced.
    • In order to keep our costs down and recover from the loss of revenue due to COVID-19, we will not be turning all of our air-conditioning units on. The gym may be warm, so be prepared. Stay hydrated, bring water, and dress appropriately.
  • Coming soon
    • Virtual – BodyFlow, Barre, CXWorx, and Sh’Bam will be offered in the Mind Body studio, which is currently undergoing construction.
    • BB LIVE library a collection of BB workouts stored on the BB Live+ portal to watch whenever you want.
  • Membership dues will be reactivated beginning in June. Your payment may not come out on the exact day that it was before the disruption, as it is quite a process to get billing turned back on, but it will not come out before your June due date.
  • BB closed on March 19 and stopped payments on April 15. Members who made payments between Feb 19 and April 14 and wish to receive prorated credit may do so in one of 3 ways:
    1) You may get a free bonus membership equal to the number of days we were closed to give to a friend or relative, or someone who has been financially burdened by the pandemic.
    2) You may have a credit on your account to apply towards an upgraded membership, bed tanning, and/or future locker and towel service.
    3) You may apply this credit to a future dues payment – BB will determine the month so that we do not have too many credits in one month.
    Please email at info@bodyboutique.net before July 1, 2020 to let us know how you would like to be compensated for the time you were unable to use the facility.
  • No payments were processed between April 15 – May 31 unless specified by the member, and have been zeroed out at no charge.
  • Summer hours
    • Monday-Friday: 5:30 AM to 7:00 PM
    • Saturday: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
    • Sunday: Closed

Body Boutique is depending on our strong community to help us recover from massive financial losses during this unprecedented time. We appreciate the financial donations we have received so far and we are still asking for donations should anyone be in a position to contribute.


In good health ~

Your Body Boutique Team

Body Boutique
Free State Ride

Changing Lives Everyday!

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Body Boutique Phase 2 Protocols Infographic

Updated 5/18/20

Body Boutique Phase 2 Protocols Infographic

Updated 5/5/20



Greetings valued members and staff. As we are beginning the month in which we are hopeful that we can start the process of re-opening Body Boutique, we want to start by thanking all of our wonderful members and staff who have risen to the occasion by demonstrating their strength, commitment and resolve to our Body Boutique community.

We also want to thank those of you who have been able to voluntarily provide financial support by allowing Body Boutique to either continue billing your monthly fees for memberships, made a donation, or who have purchased gift cards for future use. Without these financial contributions, we would not have been able to continue offering online classes and personal training services to our community. Your support has not only helped Body Boutique to be able to continue meeting payroll and other on-going overhead costs, but it has helped us to provide classes for our sisters who were more economically impacted.

If you haven’t already done so, please consider reactivating your monthly fees, make a donation, or purchase a gift card by emailing info@bodyboutique.net – We need as much financial support as possible, so we can prepare to open the gym doors. However, if your financial situation does not allow you to invest in your add-on services at this time, we can put them on hold to reduce your monthly payment.

WE HAVE GREAT NEWS! We are upgrading and re-branding our BB Live online classes platform to BB LIVE and here are some of the details:

  1. Full HD (high definition) live-streaming
  2. No apps to download (just register once on our website)
  3. No need to be seen (more privacy)
  4. Live-streaming to continue as an ongoing service (after we are open)
  5. Library of BB Live+ classes available on our website

BB LIVE will Launch on Monday, May 11th, and will remain complimentary until May 18th at which time the streaming classes will be available to paying members. Please continue using your Zoom link until May 11 and register at https://fitstream.bodyboutiquefitness.com before May 18th, so you can experience our enhanced virtual classes.

Just think of all the possibilities with on-going BB LIVE+ classes… whether you have a busy schedule and can’t make it to the club, going on vacation, work schedule conflicts, kids are home from school, sick child or partner, snow days, or you’re just not ready to return to in-club classes during phased re-opening – no problem… just hop on BB LIVE+

We also want to assure you, our valued member, that Body Boutique is taking all the necessary steps to ensure exercising inside the fitness center will be both sanitary and convenient.

Steps we are taking and asking members to follow during phased re-opening:

  1. Pre-checking members and staff for symptoms before allowing entry
  2. Honoring social distancing guidelines while in the fitness center
  3. Increasing the number of hand-sanitizing stations throughout the fitness center
  4. Increasing the number of equipment disinfecting stations throughout the fitness center
  5. Increasing the hours of our cleaning staff and deep cleaning the fitness center daily
  6. Requiring members to disinfect equipment they have touched before and after use
  7. Requiring members to stay at least one machine apart from one another
  8. We are re-arranging equipment where possible for social distancing
  9. We are limiting the number of participants in group classes (floor space is marked)

We are looking forward to the time when we can all safely be together again to pursue our health and fitness goals and once again see your smiling faces in person.


In good health ~

Your Body Boutique Team

Body Boutique
Free State Ride

Changing Lives Everyday!

Facebook Instagram Twitter

Updated 4/16/20





As you may already know, we made a decision to proactively stop automatic billing of all membership and services at the end of business on April 14th, 2020, until a time when we are able to re-open. With that being done, we want to make you aware that there are options for you if you choose and you’re able, to contribute to the ongoing team payroll and operating expenses.

Available Options:

  • Choose to voluntarily continue to pay monthly membership dues. BONUS: you will get a free bonus membership, equal to the number of days we are closed, to give to a friend or family member once we re-open.
  • Choose to purchase a gift card in any denomination that can be used at a later date, once we re-open.
  • Choose to make a donation to team payroll and operating expenses in any denomination.

If you would like to participate in any of the options mentioned above please email us at info@bodyboutique.net and let us know. If purchasing a gift card or making a donation simply let us know in what dollar amount. We will either process the amount you choose using the billing information we have on file for your account or call you if you do not currently have billing information on file with us.

Regardless of whether you’re able or choose to make a donation or a purchase we encourage all members to participate in our Free BB Live Virtual Classes currently being offered on Zoom using the link below.


In good health ~

Your Body Boutique Team

Body Boutique
Free State Ride

Changing Lives Everyday!

Facebook Instagram Twitter

Updated 4/11/20





As you are likely aware, we are nearing the 30-day mark of when many businesses were ordered temporarily closed in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 through social distancing.

Body Boutique has made a decision to proactively stop billing all memberships and services at the end of the day on April 14, 2020, until a time when we are permitted to reopen. Please rest assured no additional action is necessary on your part for this to happen. We will also be extending memberships and services for any time that we were closed that you may have pre-paid for dues and services.

Additionally, we are looking forward to the day we can all be together at the gym again, and are taking this opportunity to perform betterments and improvements to the facility and services provided. We are also doing a thorough top-to-bottom cleaning and disinfecting of the entire facility to ensure that when you return you can be confident the fitness center is a clean and healthy environment.

We also have some great news…the silver lining…we have gone live on Zoom with group classes and will be launching our virtual personal training programs this week as well.

To learn more please visit our BB Quarantine Virtual Toolbox at www.bodyboutiquefitness.com/bb-quarantine-toolbox.

Updated 3/26/20



Follow the Trail of Our Deepest Desires – #silverlining


My deepest desire is to encourage people to focus not on FEAR, but the ACTIONS that will combat fear. Body Boutique, locally owned for 30 years, encourages everyone who can to shop locally and buy from locally owned businesses when possible, as this will help preserve the financial health of our community. We all need to rise up and be the salt and light of the earth. We need to do our part to promote mental and physical health, as well as JOB SECURITY.

Your Body Boutique team is here to serve you, our valued members, and the community during this unprecedented time and for many years to come.

Our hope is that everyone will also have a deep desire to SEEK the SILVER LINING during this critical time. As lives are literally turned upside down, we must stick together, support one another, and do whatever it takes to not only SURVIVE but to THRIVE.

Body Boutique, as all of you, has been overwhelmed by the COVID-19. BB tried its best to stay open for our members, while abiding by the CDC hygiene rules, reducing both class size and number of classes held. However, with the local authorities mandating closures to limit the spread of the virus, we felt it imperative to follow the mandate and therefore we closed on March 19, 2020. We sorely miss the hustle and bustle of our gym and cannot wait to see everyone walk through our doors again.

As we all know, closing doors is devastating to communities and individuals, alike. Those who own, work and patronize all sorts of businesses, here in our favorite little city, are fighting this invisible war on all fronts. The good news is there are plenty of ways to support local businesses and their employees and help them stay afloat so they can be there to serve us in the future.

  • Buy gift cards, donate cancelled appointment costs and maintain your financial relationship with local businesses – consider buying a gift card for later use from locally owned businesses, consider donating your cancelled appointment costs to help the employees financially and they can assist you at a later date with a COMPLIMENTARY session. Maintain your financial relationship with local businesses so when the virus passes, and it will pass, your favorite places will be there for you.

    Body Boutique has gift cards available and can accept payment over the phone, Please email info@bodyboutique.net if you’re interested in buying a gift card and/or making a donation.

    Body Boutique asks that you PLEASE maintain your membership during this mandated closing. We will be extending memberships to cover the time the club activity is on pause. We hope to spread these NO CHARGE months out, so that rebated months can be allocated over a reasonable period of time. Please note that Body Boutique is currently working hard to manage and lower expenses, but we still must pay our overhead costs and some payroll even though our doors are closed.

  • Be grateful – Interestingly enough, when you are down, science says that gratitude may be exactly what you need to keep your spirits up. Gratitude is contagious too.

  • Be a ray of sunshine – It’s more difficult for some to experience joy, laughter and beauty as so many disappointments are stacking up. If at all possible…try to be the rainbow in someone else’s cloudy day.

  • Be patient – Businesses are scrambling right now. They desperately want to take care of customers and staff alike. Most likely short-staffed and doing their best to respond to everyone’s needs and concerns. “In a world where you can be anything = BE KIND.”

BB is here to Support the health of our members and prepare for our re-grandopening:

  • We are exploring ways to provide on line workouts lead by our very own personal trainers and groupX instructors.

  • We are taking advantage of this time to make facility and equipment upgrades.

  • We have printed a list of all of our senior members who are in the high-risk category and we are reaching out to them personally to see if they need any help. Body Boutique will be a drop-off site for donations and/or items needed by our senior sisters and will be responsible for the safe delivery of donations.

  • We have provided https://watch.lesmillsondemand.com/at-home-workouts for home workouts and Tribe Team Training workouts are also available on our website at https://www.bodyboutiquefitness.com.

  • We will post online support to encourage our members to stay fit and healthy – Body, Mind and Spirit.

We know it’s an unprecedented time and your day-to-day routine has been rattled. At, Body Boutique, our gym is currently quiet, and we’re counting down the days until it’s full of life again. BB has worked hard for 30 years to create a gym atmosphere where women feel comfortable and can become the very best version of themselves, and with your support, we will ALL come together again. We appreciate your support and wish you all the best.


In good health ~

Your Body Boutique Team

Body Boutique
Free State Ride

Changing Lives Everyday!

Facebook Instagram Twitter

Updated 3/19/20

Based on the Recommendations by Douglas County Health Officer Dr. Thomas Marcellino on March 18 prohibited public gatherings in the county of more than 10 people until April 1 – Body Boutique has determined it is in the best interest of our Members, Staff, Instructors, Trainers, and the Community to Stop All Activity at Body Boutique Effective Immediately. We will keep you informed as soon as we resume activity.

Regarding Your Membership: We will be extending memberships to cover the time the club activity is paused.

Regarding Personal Training: We will reach out to all personal training clients to offer online training options and if you’re not a personal training client you can email us at info@bodybotiuque.net for online personal training options.

Regarding Keeping Active at Home: Our long-term partnership will LesMills affords you, our valued members, the opportunity to participate in LesMills On-Demand Virtual Workouts “Free of Charge” for this temporary period by visiting the following link: https://watch.lesmillsondemand.com/at-home-workouts

As our lives are literally turned upside down, we must stick together, support one another and do whatever it takes to get the results needed to THRIVE.

Updated 3/17/20 at 9:00 pm

We are updating our hours of operation effective immediately. Our new facility hours are Monday-Friday: 5:00 am to 7:00 pm, Saturday: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm and we will temporarily be closed on Sundays.

Our KidCare hours will be modified to Monday-Friday: 8:15 am to 11:00 am.

We are revising our class schedule to combine Elite30 and group classes to have a complete fun-filled schedule (visit the BB App for updates). We also have back to back virtual rides all day long in our Free State Ride indoor cycling studio. Members are welcome to attend any of the classes regardless of your membership type.

We also welcome non-members too, no membership required – day passes $12, 10 workouts for $100 or 20 workouts for $130.

As previously announced, we are providing LesMills On-Demand classes for those members who choose to exercise at home during this unprecedented time. You can access LesMills On-Demand class at the following link: https://watch.lesmillsondemand.com/at-home-workouts

Body Boutique is Open! If you choose to exercise at home we are providing the following link to participate in LesMills Virtual Classes – https://watch.lesmillsondemand.com/at-home-workouts.


Body Boutique’s Extra-Vigilance in Club Care & Cleanliness:

  • Body Boutique is taking extra steps to clean the facility & equipment throughout each day.

  • We have added handwashing station in the lobby.

  • We are limiting the size of classes to 10 people so that we have social spacing.

  • Our class schedule will be condensed – please check the BB app for schedule.

  • We have opened doors so you don’t need to touch door handles.

  • We are not allowing anybody (children and adults) in the club who have traveled during the last 14 days.

Health & Safety

For full details visit the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) page on the CDC website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/prevention.html

Clean your hands often

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Avoid close contact

Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community. This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick.

Stay home if you’re sick

Stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care. Learn what to do if you are sick.

Cover coughs and sneezes

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow.
Throw used tissues in the trash.
Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Wear a facemask if you are sick

If you are sick: You should wear a facemask when you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office. If you are not able to wear a facemask (for example, because it causes trouble breathing), then you should do your best to cover your coughs and sneezes, and people who are caring for you should wear a facemask if they enter your room. Learn what to do if you are sick.
If you are NOT sick: You do not need to wear a facemask unless you are caring for someone who is sick (and they are not able to wear a facemask). Facemasks may be in short supply and they should be saved for caregivers.

Clean and disinfect

Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.
If surfaces are dirty, clean them: Use detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.



*Some restrictions may apply, local residents only, first-time visitors, 18 years or older, out-of-town visitors subject to daily or weekly rates.